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Episode 72: Welcome to 2021, what’s up with your resolutions and the markets?

Stock markets and the January effect with Mak & G
Episode 72: Welcome to 2021, what's up with your resolutions and the markets?


This episode, we’re joined by day trader Kyle Sherwood to discuss how the markets performed in 2020, what the future holds for the stock market, and how Kyle improved his financial situation this year…


Kyle Sherwood is a day trader and swing trader, he spent his time over lockdown analyzing the markets and making money.


He joins us this episode as we look back on 2020 and how the markets performed this year.


We also discuss how we think the markets will perform in 2021, the difference between a bear and bull market, and how emotions can affect the value of a stock…


“The stock price hits its peak based on speculation not based on actual returns on investment.” – Kyle Sherwood


“If you have an allowance, save.” – Mak

Time Stamps:

02:10 – The first stock trade Mak & G have done.

03:18 – What a New Years Resolution is and the targets we all have.

04:50 – What the DOW is and how it performed this year.

05:40 – What the difference between the Nasdaq and S&P 500 is.

06:35 – The difference between a bear market and a bull market.

08:20 – Why the Nasdaq performed so well this year.

10:08 – Vaccine stocks and how day traders took advantage of these.

13:45 – The emotions around the stock market in 2021.

15:03 – What causes the ‘January effect’ in the market.

17:10 – The top 10 New Years Resolutions.

22:30 – How Kyle improved his financial situation this year.


Connect with Ben Jones:



BEN: All right. Hey, welcome back to our next podcast Money with Mak and G. We’ve got another treat for everyone. here. We have Mr. Kyle Sherwood. Kyle, you want to say a few words, say hello to the audience?


KYLE: Hello, everybody. Thanks for having me. It’s gonna be a lot of fun.


BEN: And what do you do Kyle? Besides just kind of hang out and try to dodge Corona, which I hear you have bad news on the Corona front at least several weeks ago.


KYLE: Yeah, it’s real. Don’t get it. It’s not much fun.


BEN: You felt great over the time that you had it right?


KYLE: No, no, I call it the Baskin Robbins of the flu. It’s like every day you get a new flavor of misery. So yeah, one day it’s cold sweats, next day, it’s fever. It’s just not any good. Don’t get it.


BEN: But at least for me if I lost my smell that I wouldn’t have to smell you know, Grant’s dirty feet, that would be pretty pretty good. That would be an upside.


GRANT: You know you love my feet?


BEN: Yeah, I think Oreo your dog loves your feet even more. Yeah, yeah. But Kyle, you do day training. You also do swing trading, which is carrying the actual stocks over to the next day.


KYLE: I day trade pretty much, well, all free time. Taught myself late last year. The market took this incredible, volatile movement over the last year due to Coronavirus and so that was one of the very I was one of the many that took advantage of it.


BEN: So it’s been a very interesting ride for you. You’re getting deeper in it. We thought we’d bring some of that to at least let people know that there are different ways to earn money as we continue invest. Grant. What’s the few couple words today from you, buddy? You have no words. Okay, back to you Makenna.


MAK: Stocks. It’s 2021. Yay. Okay, that’s a lot.


BEN: That’s a great one.


GRANT: I’m a man with no words.


BEN: You are a man of no words. Yeah, we doubt that. We’ve seen you. But what did we just do upstairs a few minutes ago?


MAK: We traded a stock for the very first time. Yeah, we’ll see that later on in this episode.


BEN: Yeah, no, we’re gonna actually put it out as a separate release. But watch that too. You guys actually did your first trade on your own with a little bit of help from Mr. Kyle. And myself. And you did your first stock trade at the age of 12. Yeah, baby.


GRANT: Yeah. Bought Apple.


BEN: Oh, I was gonna hold that back so that they at least see what you guys bought.


MAK: Grant!


GRANT: Well, at least you can learn how to buy stock.


BEN: Yeah, at least you’ll learn how to buy a stock. So what’s happened in a 12 year olds life nowadays? It’s 2021. You guys excited?


GRANT: It’s not as great as I thought. I thought like COVID would go away and well…


BEN: It’s been like three days or three days. Right? Yeah. It’s the first Friday. I mean, I’m pretty nice. Yeah, okay.


MAK: I don’t think it’s gonna go that fast. But I mean, it’s still 2021.


BEN: And Grant, it still hasn’t learned how to turn off his computer. Great. So what’s a New Year’s resolution? You guys know what a New Year’s resolution is?


GRANT: It’s like a goal for the year basically.


BEN: It’s like a goal. personal goal for the area. Yes.


MAK: Usually to make things better change the changing for the better.


BEN: Change for the better. Yeah. And Kyle, how about you? What do you think it for your New Year’s resolution? What do you think about?


KYLE: Mine’s all market related? So I want my IRA to double. And I want my private account to go up much more than that.


BEN: Wow, we got some pretty big goals there. What about you Grant? Play little less video games this year? That’s….


BEN: No. It’s the opposite. Get better at video games…..


BEN: A parent’s dream for their kids.




KYLE: Hey, you gaming is for real? Don’t discourage it could be a millionaire by 18.


BEN: Can we do a podcast where somebody may have what was it? $6 million?


MAK: Yeah, from like, eSports or something?


GRANT: I think it was bigger or something.


BEN: Yeah, he had an interesting foreign name. But yeah, he did some good stuff. How about you Mak? What’s your resolution this year?


MAK: Probably just to spend less time on video games and more like with family. Sorry, Grant.


BEN: Yeah, cuz for me….


MAK: I’m up there.


BEN: I want to lose some weight, because I’m just feeling…..


MAK: Oh, yeah. Working out. Yeah.


BEN: Drink a little less. Yeah, I think that’s pretty good….


KYLE: Gym a little bit….


BEN: And really work on all the investing because what happened this year, guys, as far as we have some different indices, right, which is a way that you can look at a group of stocks. We’ll have the Dow do this year, because we finally completed right this year. That was on Thursday. So Last Day, and how much did the Dow go up? Mak? You got it right there in front of you remember?


MAK: 7%.


BEN: 7% and the Dow, what does that reflect that? I think Kyle knows what’s going on with the Dow.


KYLE: The Dow was the overall sentiment of the market is the top 30 companies. United States that we base everything upon….


BEN: The big blue chips that we talk about. Normally, they’re a little bit older.


MAK: Yeah.


BEN: And they give us a little bit of idea of the market. But what’s the one that tells us the most about the market that has hundreds of stocks in their Mak? Which one do you think that is? Is the Dow the s&p 500? Or is that the NASDAQ?


MAK: Hundreds of stocks? They both have hundreds of stock, right?


GRANT: Well….


BEN: The s&p and NASDAQ does but NASDAQ is specific to which industry?


MAK: Tech.


BEN: Tech, there you go. We’re gonna keep driving that point home until everybody knows and the s&p 500 500 different stocks all over different industries, which gives you a really good idea of how the overall economy is doing. And how well did that do Mak?


MAK: NASDAQ How will….


BEN: No the s&p….


MAK: Oh sorry, it’s a 16% gains.


BEN: For the year 16%. And what do you think? Do you guys think that’s pretty amazing with what happened in 2020? Yes,


GRANT: I think that’s a lot of stock pretty good since the stock market crashed so…


BEN: Well, you’d like to use crashed and people say that’s either alliterated is either like a dip or it’s a correction. But…


MAK: I call it died.


GRANT: It died?


BEN: It died?


MAK: It’s still there but…


GRANT: It was resurrected.


BEN: Yeah. What do you think because they call it a bear once it’s over, you know.


KYLE: We’re talking about what happened early on last year, it was an absolute freefall.


BEN: It was a freefall. So….


KYLE: That I still am not 100% sure how we corrected from but we did. I don’t know if we just printed our way out of it. Or what happened exactly. You could probably tell me better about why but it’s pretty wild.


BEN: The fastest bear recovery. Right? Is a bear good thing or bad thing for the stock?


GRANT: It’s a I think it’s good thing, right?


MAK: Isn’t it the bad thing?


BEN: It’s the bad thing there.


GRANT: The bulls…..


BEN: And the bull is like lifting his head up. The bull is lifting his head up looking towards the sky, which means…


MAK: That’s positive number…


BEN: That’s positive and the bears like jumping on it pushing it down….


MAK: Negative numbers.


BEN: Right. So this is the fastest bear recovery.


GRANT: So it like bears read and then you can say like a green bowl and a red bear.


BEN: Yeah, you can say that.


MAK: Oh, that’s kind of mixed up though. Because bowls are usually considered with the color red because that’s what they…


GRANT: It’s confusing sorry.


MAK: Anyways.


BEN: Did you know when I was in Portugal, they actually when they do bullfighting they don’t kill the bull in Portugal. It’s like one of the only places that does that. It was pretty pretty amazing…


GRANT: Like green is go like for stoplight and goals are pretty fast.


BEN: No. that’s not a bad way…..


GRANT: Obviously bears they like to stop and eat honey a lot. And they are pretty lazy. Right?


BEN: That’s why…..


KYLE: That works for me….


BEN: You guys are guys, the geniuses in here a smarter, smarter than a seventh grader. So we did the Dow at 7%. Right. We did. s&p 16. Kyle, you want to deliver the news on the NASDAQ what happened with the NASDAQ?


KYLE: NASDAQ soar to 44% year over year.


BEN: Wow, Mak & G was this the first or second year that the NASDAQ did pretty well?


MAK: Second.


GRANT: Second.


BEN: Second year. And what’s the likelihood that a third year of it doing really well?


GRANT: Very, very slow.


MAK: Well, for next year, it’s not very, it’s not very high for next year, but like four years to come. It’s like I mean, it’s high.


BEN: Well, it’s all the tech stuff, right? And as Kyle and I were talking about, Kyle, you probably have a couple of comments here, right three in a row. That tends to be a little bit more difficult, however…


GRANT: If you do that, but that’s pretty good, like good job…. back.


BEN: But what do you thinking?


KYLE: Historically, so if it was a normal time in history, if it was a normal period in history, then the average is sort of play out? Right? It would be much more difficult.


BEN: Now we’re completely normal, right?


KYLE: Yeah, exactly. But there’s still such there’s still unrest, there’s still stimulus is coming out. There’s still people becoming unemployed, there’s still new technology. So the reason the NASDAQ blew up is all speculation. NASDAQ didn’t go up 44% this year, because something proven over time worked. Some new technologies were introduced to the marketplace that people have extremely high hopes in and they speculate it and as they speculate they want to get in early. So that surge of income and those surge of buy orders. Take the tech specific like zoom, for instance, we were looking at zoom earlier, right?


BEN: Probably that is based on the fact that they had a huge number of additional followers. It wasn’t any necessarily new technology, but they went from whatever to 300 million subscribers.


KYLE: But all those BIOS Are all that Corona Maderna that’s a NASDAQ stock that’s that’s so when Maderna went up 400%…


BEN:  Guys, what is Maderna?


GRANT: Oh my gosh.


BEN: Vaccine.




KYLE: Yeah, Pfizer got approved Pfizer skyrockets…..


MAK: Why you’re laughing yourself?


BEN: Because you put a shot in the arm…


MAK: I know now but like…..


BEN: And they call it they call that tech because, you know I’m trying to think of the best definition for….


KYLE: BIO tech?


BEN: It’s bio technology where they use new information and new ways to get things done like a computer is a new way to get some things done. And they created these vaccines and those stocks did what did they go up?


GRANT: Are they….


BEN: The ones that did the vaccines?


MAK: Yeah, they went up.


BEN: They went up like crazy, right?


GRANT: I was like, give me that vaccine right now.


KYLE: Fortunately the did.


BEN: Fortunately….


KYLE: And here’s the thing for day traders, even the stocks that didn’t end up with the vaccine, just having their name dropped. I don’t know if you guys remember when President Trump talked about codec…..


BEN: Do you know what Codec does guys?


MAK: It sounds like a coding.


GRANT: Yeah.


BEN: No codec. Remember? MaKenna? You got a pink camera up in your room. That’s Kodak, where you press the button and the picture comes out. Right?


MAK: Oh, like the mini cameras?


BEN: Yes.


MAK: Oh, that was part of it. Okay, so there was like a huge trend with those cameras. I think there’s also probably…


BEN: So that’s Kodak but what Kyle was talking about is that when President Trump to…


KYLE: President Trump went on his 5pm press conferences, so they were giving codec dinosaur camera company half a billion dollars to cure COVID. And overnight after hours and the next day, it went up….. 100%?


GRANT: Oh wow.


KYLE: That’s off memory, but it was the most ridiculous skyrocket speculative…..


BEN: So guys you have a camera company that….


GRANT: So if I bought it like right before you would like get a lot of money.


BEN: You would.


KYLE: There’s an interesting story about that, too.


BEN: But think about this, though, Mak, what did they do? They produced cameras. That was their business. They’ve been around for a long time. They weren’t doing really well. And then President Trump gives them 500…..


KYLE: Half a billion…


BEN: $500 million to help cure COVID.


KYLE: He actually said welcome to the family.


MAK: How does the cameras….


BEN: This is a long story. But that’s the question to ask Mak. Right there.


MAK: How do cameras cure COVID?


KYLE: Well, everybody was afraid. And somebody had stalked before he said it.


BEN: Yes. So what we’re talking about is there are things that happen when people talk about companies that really make the stock go up really, really high. And so we could probably spend all day, Kyle and I talked about it. But for you guys, just to know, if the President’s going to give you $500 million, that will affect your stock price.


GRANT: Yeah, yeah.


KYLE: And the stock price hits its peak, based on speculation, not based on actual returns on investment.


BEN: So for a lot of the stuff that he does, which is different from a long term perspective, he watches the movement of how fast the stocks trade.


KYLE: So that Apple stock you guys bought today, is trading at where they think Apple will be valued in the future, based on future products and innovation, not necessarily what they think it’s worth right this moment as an enterprise.


BEN: So we will continue to knock those down as we go along. But one interesting thing is, what is sentiment? You guys ever been sentimental?


GRANT: Say sad.


BEN: You can be sad or happy? It’s based on emotions. What are the emotions going into 2021 for the stock market? I think people are really, really optimistic kind of go ahead.


MAK: So the tech companies are kind of probably not going to be so optimistic just because the virus is going oh, like getting done with a little bit more. And that means that, like schools, and businesses are going to go back to like, actual like, in person. And they’re not probably not going to be using like zoom anymore a lot. But I mean, there could still be COVID We don’t really know right now, because the vaccine could work could not work.


BEN: So what are we you’re talking about? Is it certain that everything’s gonna get back to normal G?


GRANT: No, definitely not.


BEN: What does the market not like?


MAK: Uncertainty.


GRANT: Uncertain.


BEN: Uncertainty. So we got a lot of uncertainty that’s going on. We’ve got all this stuff that emotionally people are kind of all over the place. Right. And so we don’t have a clear indication of what 2021 is going to do. But the NASDAQ was super went up a lot. Right?


MAK: Yeah.


BEN: And there’s a possibility it may not continue to go up. Right. So at the end of the day, we’re really talking about we don’t know the emotion of what’s happening. We know we’ve been on a good stretch this past year, but one thing though, to talk about is what happens in January. You guys ever heard of the January Effect?


MAK: January, a lot of cities have higher gains than any other month for some odd reason.


BEN: Yeah. Do you guys know why that takes place?


MAK: Maybe because New Year’s?


BEN: Well, that’s a good shot, Kyle.


KYLE: So the why behind it? Again, the speculative. But…


BEN: So what they used to talk about all the time, and you know, MBA school was, people will sell their stocks and their losers in December. And why do they sell in December so that they can get the tax write off…


KYLE: Tax write off, that makes a lot.


BEN: And then in January, they buy a whole bunch of stuff and it pushes the market higher? Does that make sense Mak?


MAK: Kind of.


BEN: Well, a January effect in Indianapolis is snow. So you expect to see snow? Because certain things happened in the weather would that make because it’s colder, right? We’re pointing away from the sun. Rain turns into it. So in the stock market, people sell a whole bunch of stuff in December, and then they want to buy it back. And what happens when you have the same supply and more demand.


KYLE: Skyrocket.


BEN: The price goes up. Okay, but there’s a lot of people that think, hey, the January effect may not be as important because a lot of money is in deferred retirement accounts and some other stuff. But at the end of the day, trying to to let you know, we know we normally have an assessment 1.8% You see a rise in January versus about point 7% for a regular month. Is that crazy?


MAK: Yeah, that’s crazy.


BEN: No, no. So….


MAK: So now is the time to buy stuff.


BEN: Now is the time to buy stock.


KYLE: Just keep an eye on it.


BEN: Yeah


KYLE: That’s the best thing I can tell you is just keep one eye on it. You’d be amazed at what you see.


BEN: And that’s what we’re trying to do. We’re trying to keep it focused on that. And if you’re looking at the top 10 New Year’s resolutions, what do you got? What’s that one? Grant? You wanna give us the first one from Twitter?


GRANT: So on Twitter. Yellow people not wearing mask?


BEN: Somebody’s…..


GRANT: Are you not wearing a mask? Sir. Sir. Get out of here. We don’t want you here and put on a mask or get out.


BEN: That’s a lot of yelling.




MAK: It’s not asked nicely. It’s yell.


GRANT: Just yell.


BEN: That’s one resolute. What about the next one Makenna? Have you ever been caught on the next one? Somebody who’s doing a New Year’s resolution?


MAK: Hey, get dressed and take a shower more often.


KYLE: That’s real.


BEN: I know….


KYLE: That’s real.


BEN: I think I went from the six or so showers a week down to about three.


KYLE: It is a different world.


BEN: What do you think, man? Is that a good resolution?


MAK: Yes.


BEN: Yes.


KYLE: Seems like one we should all commit too. I’m on board.


BEN: That day or two. I think MaKenna is really putting the hurt on her bed because she’s not getting up to 130 in the afternoon. Some days, right?


MAK: Yeah.


BEN: Is your New Year’s resolution asleep 20 hours a day?


MAK: 24.


BEN: 24. It’s all day.


GRANT: What minutes left? You got like…


KYLE: It’s gonna be hard to trade with that schedule.


BEN: Yeah, trying to trade stocks. Yeah, we’re gonna…..So what do you guys think is the number one or two biggest resolutions. Kyle you got any ideas? If you’re gonna cheat or you got it?


KYLE: Well, it’s lose weights. Always. Number one. I don’t care what any stat says. And then usually try to make more money and spend time with family.


BEN: Wow, what do you guys think about that? You guys look at the second page. You see what’s on there? The second page.


MAK: Rustling of papers.


BEN: Rustling of papers come on guys. People who….


MAK: Make new friends.


BEN: Make new friends or spend time with family….


KYLE: And I haven’t even looked. That’s just the answer.


BEN: Kyle nailed it.


KYLE: He less fat.


BEN: He less stuff.


KYLE: Yeah.


BEN: So what do you think about the top one, which is on the bottom? Exercise…


GRANT: Oh exercise and lose weight and eat better?


BEN: That’s almost half of the people. 45 plus percent.


GRANT: That’s reasonable.


BEN: That’s reasonable?


GRANT: Yes. Very simple.


BEN: Man. What do you think Mak?


MAK: I think everyone could commit to that no matter….


BEN: A little bit more exercise…. I’ve been sitting on the sofa just a little too much. We binge watch, Kyle you binge watching Netflix stuff?


KYLE: Too much.


BEN: It’s a little crazy. We did like seven or eight hours yesterday of watching.


KYLE: So the first lockdown I got obsessed and was stocks all day every day and like trying to stay focused and keep my mind engaged and then it opened back up a little bit and then we had that second lockdown. Yeah, now I’m just a slob.


BEN: By the way, what way are we in Now?


KYLE: I don’t know…


BEN: We’re like the third way…


KYLE: It’s too much.


BEN: It is too much. So exercise more lose weight, eat better. 45 plus percent. Spend time with family about a third of people like that whole make new friends spend some time with family MaKenna. What about that middle one?


MAK: Middle one, save money and get out of debt?


GRANT: Yes, people. That’s what you’re here for.


MAK: I mean, if you say you get out of debt, I mean, and there’s like 20 to 35%. I mean, it’s 20 30%. And maybe a little bit less…


BEN: So what about a third of people?


MAK: ….Are in debt, which is….


BEN: You want to get out of debt and that’s a big one. So being money focused. What does that really mean? It’s is the beginning of January. A good time to get money focused? Kyle’s saying yes. Why? Why is it a good time?


MAK: New Year.


BEN: It’s a new year?


MAK: New you.


GRANT: It’s a resolution.


BEN: Yeah. And we know, we know that there’s checks coming for the stimulus, right.


GRANT: Oh, yes.


KYLE: Already landing.


BEN: Already landing.


KYLE: Already landing and account.


BEN: Some people have already gotten it a couple days ago. Yeah, a couple days ago. And so what should we be trying to spread there? Hey, if you don’t need to spend that money, you need to save that for a rainy day. Grant, what did you call COVID. It’s like an eternal…


GRANT: Oh, an internal rainy day.


BEN: It’s unlike an eternal rainy day, every day is the same, right? So we shouldn’t be saving, and really looking at that money. But if you’re really trying to put it into a full package, what do you definitely need to what’s like one of the first things that you know, we even have on here, what’s one of the first things you need to do? Before you really start any journey, you need to commit to it.


MAK: Commit to it.


BEN: Right. So you commit to get on track. Then some of the suggestions was were to put together all of your net worth. Set your goals like what is your what would be your goal this year, guys?


GRANT: I’d go like…


BEN: To save some money….


GRANT: Oh, yeah. So make sure like, have some money aside, because like, I know that later, I’m gonna definitely like one something and you never know. So hold back the temptation to so…


MAK: If you have an allowance, so let’s say oh, yeah, go ahead. Sorry.


GRANT: You gotta resist the urge. Okay.


MAK: Get in the moment. Okay.


BEN: Get in the moment.


KYLE: I’ll start hanging out with you guys more. He doesn’t make a lot of sense. You get out in the real world, you get a credit card. You know, you just kind of want stuff. Bad idea. And Carl, listen to G.




KYLE: Seriously, listen to G.


BEN: What was one of the great things that you did? Last year, we talked about quite a bit in order to kind of get your money situation straightened out.


KYLE: Took advantage of this housing market refried my home and paid off everything.


BEN: Exactly.


KYLE: Absolutely everything and still have equity in the house.


BEN: So guys, can you do this in your head? If you have $100,000 And you have a 6%? Mortgage? How much do you pay each year? Six per 100?


GRANT: Wait. How much do we have? 100,000.


BEN: 100,000.


GRANT: Isn’t that like six for 6000?


BEN: 6000. Does that make sense, Mak?


MAK: Oh, it was? Oh, yeah.


BEN: But what Kyle is saying is instead of paying 6000. He went in refight at 3%. So he went from 6000 a year to what Mak?


MAK: 3000.


BEN: So you’ve saved himself how much?


MAK: 3000.


BEN: Exactly. I know there’s two threes in there. But he went from six to three save three grand. So that literally puts $250 in his pocket every month. And he consolidated all of his debt where he’s only making one payment. That’s like, awesome, awesome.


KYLE: No payments.


BEN: No payments. He only….


MAK: Wait. None?


KYLE: No, my house appreciated substantially over the last couple of years.


BEN: Yeah.


KYLE: So I took enough money out of that out of my equity and just paid off everything. So there’s nothing worse than credit card APR….


BEN: And what he’s talking about your credit card, maybe 15 18 20%?


KYLE: 24.


BEN: 24%? And if his mortgage which he could put it all into one thing and his mortgage was 3% that’s going from 24% down to 3%. That’s a good deal. Right? So focusing in on your money and really getting the budget and watching your money is a big deal right?


KYLE: Huge deal. And your IRA your trading account is a big big deal.


BEN: And Kyle Will you check tracking all your expenses then were you kind of watching those things got a good budget gone?




BEN: No.


KYLE: No, it was all personal account at that point in time at that point. Now it’s a little bit more serious. But then it was just you know, trying to watch my money and pay it off like normal.


BEN: Do you have any kind of hints on how you watch your money nowadays?


KYLE: All the time.


BEN: Your mind? I got mind on my money and my money on my mind….


KYLE: If you guys like Video games are just just puzzles, games in general. The stock market and your own finances is the most interesting and easily to get obsessed about puzzle. You can find.


BEN: Isn’t that cool? Mak? Because if you do it right, like when you guys are starting here, that’s why we’re doing this so that you guys understand the powerful nature of investing. Because if you were in NASDAQ stocks this year, you’d be up 44%. If you had $10,000, how much would you have earned?


MAK: 44,000? Wait. No no. 


BEN: Yeah, it would be…


MAK: 440,000? 


GRANT: 4400.


BEN: That’s a lot of money.


KYLE: It’s the one thing I would do over if I could, if I could go back to be your age, the one thing I would learn how to do or seek out, it’s just how money works in the United States, because it is not as easy as just home and there’s so much to it. And we could get into over the next few episodes or years or whatever, as you guys grow, but just having like a solid foundation and baseline of knowledge. You’re ahead you’re without sounding like I’m exaggerating, you guys are light years ahead of kids your age growing up just having general knowledge about this stuff.


BEN: And you guys did your first trade today, which is awesome. You just learned about what was the effect called in the stock market. The months which month?


MAK: The January?


BEN: The January….


GRANT: Oh the January effect.


BEN: You just learned about the January effect. You did your first trade, you understand that most people are really focusing on trying to get their money taken care of we talked about how the markets did. Which one was the best market?




BEN: NASDAQ 44%. S&P how much how much was s&p? 16% and then the Dow which is nice and steady that one had…..


MAK: 6%?


BEN: 7%. So just learning those because we’re gonna drive this home because we need you to always be thinking about it and as we go into your investment challenge, which how many shares of Apple did you buy today?


MAK: Two and then so for yep…


BEN: So what’s the call symbol on Apple?




BEN: AAPL and what kind of order did you do? Do you remember?


MAK: A day?


BEN: Market?


MAK: A market? Market day.


BEN: Look at all this stuff that you learn it’s a market order….


KYLE: Market day order. Most probably.